grand budapest hotel notepad

There’s something enticing about new stationery, isn’t there? For me, it’s the promise of reinvention, starting afresh, writing lists, making plans, brainstorming ideas, new projects. It’s there to scribble and doodle on, write niggling thoughts on, a letter to a friend, or someone you’ve lost touch with, a thank you, a sorry…

You see, to me, new stationery is so much more than paper. So today, I’m excited to share some I’ve been lusting after, and because I like it,  I’ve a feeling seeing as you read my blog, you might like it too.

Herb Lester Associates, my favourite publisher of off-beat, specialised and beautifully designed travel guides and stationery have just added three more souvenir movie hotel notepads to their collection: The Grand Budapest Hotel, the Heartbreak Hotel and Camp Crystal Lake from classic horror film, Friday 13th just in time for Halloween. Aren’t they delightful?

I’ve lusted after them ever since they hit the shelves a few years ago. They were even some of the first quirky, off-beat products I wrote about on this blog (see here and here). So obviously you can imagine my over-excitement when I saw them, and I immediately knew I needed to let you in on it too.

fictional movie hotel notepads

heartbreak hotel movie notepadThese three new notebooks join popular old favourites:  The Great Northern from Twin Peaks, Kellerman’s Resort from Dirty Dancing, and The Overlook from The Shining.

The perfect gift for old movie lovers, romantic travellers and yourself!

Buy them in packs of three here

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