colourful poster

This set of three tongue-in-cheek vintage-style pandemic travel posters by the ‘Coronavirus Tourism Bureau’ (aka Jennifer Baer, a graphic designer and illustrator who works for NASA in the San Francisco Bay Area), urging people to stay at home, have gone viral. Apparently her plea was  retweeted over 70,000 times, including by bestselling author J.K. Rowling so Baer made her posters available to buy.

She decided to create them when she began asking herself, “What is my service here? I really wanted to contribute and I think a lot of people do. The hardship is that there’s only one thing to do and that’s to stay home,” she says.

The tanned blonde lady in the cat-eye sunglasses above was inspired by a 1960 United Airlines poster to promote Los Angeles designed by illustrator, Stan Galli. While the poster below commands you: ‘Surf your Couch’ showing a hunched over surfer on a futon wave, TV remote control in hand, is inspired by a recent poster design by New York-based artist, Aaron von Freter.  “I wanted these people to look heroic and glamorous,” Baer says. “Just like the vintage posters that urged you to travel somewhere exotic.”

Stay the F* Home.

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