Have you seen any Carmen Miranda films? My Mum loved old Hollywood movies so by the age of five I’d probably seen every film she was in. So I guess you could say I grew up with the Brazilian actress, known for her fruit-salad hats and high platform shoes, in my life – although at the time I didn’t realise how cool she actually was.
The great hats she wore, covered with bananas and grapes and pineapples, have been copied throughout the world. Her platform shoes were sold everywhere. And millions followed her hip-swinging, eye-rolling example on the dance floor and learned to samba – including my Dad who thought it was funny to sing renditions of ‘I I I I love you verrrrrry much”, around the house. Usually on Friday nights, much to my mum’s horror. Anyway… seeing as today’s her birthday and social media is going crazy I thought I’d join in the fun with my own compendium of her most daring head pieces.
And in case you don’t know any of her songs, just for you, here are a couple of clipettes. Enjoy!