Next up in the series, Wish You Were Here!, a monthly collection of unique, unusual and beautiful travel-related discoveries I’ve found on the internet. Best scrolled through with your morning cup of coffee, on your afternoon tea break or over an early evening cocktail. Enjoy!
1 Above: a gatehouse in the New Forest, available to rent. Find more information here.
2. This incredible pencil shop in Tehran’s indoor market. It’s owned by Mr Mohammad Rafieh, and you can take a video tour.Found on here which includes individual image sources.
3 Spinx of giza from behind and it seems to have a tail. Apparently there’s also a small cavity on the left side to the rear that leads to an underground room. In this room is a sand map with specific points, legend says if you get to these points you’ll unlock secret armour. Found here.
4. World airlines tail fin designs. Find lots more here.
5. Come Fly The World: The Women of Pan Am at War and Peace. A fascinating new book explores the history and legacy of Pan Am, one of the world’s most iconic airlines, focusing on the unsung heroines of travel, the flight attendants of Pan American Airways who served while the sexual revolution unfolded and the Vietnam War raged – in which they’d play an unheralded role in evacuating 2,000 children during the fall of Saigon. Buy from Amazon or Bookshop.
6. Female aviator Amelia Earhart in front of her plane, the Lockheed Electra, in which she disappeared in 1937. Found here.
7. The London-based artist Edward Luper grew up looking at one of his city’s landmarks: the BT Tower. And his love and admiration for Japanese prints eventually led him to create an homage to his artist hero Hokusai. “London is my Edo,” says the artist. “And although I don’t have a Mt Fuji, I do have the BT tower.” Found here.
8 The hotel in Switzerland with an incredible outdoor bath. The hotel Auberge Aux 4 Vents is a whimsical hotel set within a stunning 17th-century Swiss manor house, featuring a room with a bath that, with a flick of a switch, rolls out onto the balcony! Found here.
9 The African Canvas, a book by photographer, Margaret Courtney-Clarke, which documents the dying female cultural tradition of Ndebele art. More about Courtney-Clarke here.
10 Panjim Red Beach in China is not technically beach, but the world’s largest wetland area situated off an estuary in north-east China. It’s covered in a type of seaweed called Sueda. It starts growing in April and May, stays green in the summer before turning this vivid red colour in the autumn – at which point attracting coach-loads of tourists. Found here.
11 Bob Bob Richard, the London restaurant with ‘press for champagne’ buttons at some of the tables! Read more here.
12 Dead Man’s Hole, London.